Monday, December 6, 2010

I See Interfaces

For my final blog post, I'll briefly mention the SixthSense system. It is a interface system that is mounted on an individual. It consists of a camera (like a webcam), a small projector, and color markers to be worn on your fingers. It allows you to draw on a projected screen, or take a picture simply by outstretching your hands. It will show a browser, or project a telephone keypad on your hand.

But the most impressive features are the ones that interact with physical objects. For example when looking at a book it might scan the cover and show recent reviews. Or in one of the videos here, a man examines a package at a grocery store and more information about the product is displayed (along with interactive buttons).

It seems to me this is a very new idea. Computing power has been mobile for a while, but that means interacting with a small computer you carry around. Here you are interacting with the world with the help of computers.

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