Saturday, November 20, 2010


Since taking an interface design class I find myself paying closer attention to the interface designs I frequently encounter. One such layout is Grooveshark's play queue. Like Pandora, upcoming songs are listed in boxes, with the currently playing song on the left and upcoming songs stacked to the right. Each contains the name of the song (full title available on hover), album, and a picture of the album. Clicking the square causes the song to start playing (or pause if it was already playing). There are also buttons to remove the song from the queue or add it to one of your existing playlists. But best of all, rearranging the songs in the queue is as easy as dragging and dropping the squares as desired.
It seems to be part of the Grooveshark style to have multiple ways to do the same thing. Adding a song to a playlist can be done by clicking the down arrow on the song's square box, or by simply dragging the song onto the playlist's name. In this case I think the multiple ways does not cause confusion but just makes things more intuitive. I find myself just trying to doing things (mostly by drag and dropping) and things work. It's wonderful.

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